Welcome to 'What Ever Happened To...?'—the nostalgic pop culture podcast for people who can't let go of the past. Join PureWow editor Emily Brozyna, as she investigates what ever happened to the teen stars, toys and trends we loved in the '90s, 2000s and even early 2010s. Whether you identify as a millennial, zillennial or Gen Z—let's come together to relive pop culture history and uncover what became of the celebrities and trends that defined our youth.
New episodes drop every Tuesday. Follow us on TikTok @WhatEverHappenedToPod and Instagram @PureWow. 'What Ever Happened To...?' is a Gallery Media Group production.
Either you were obsessed with Cabbage Patch Kids or you never understood the hype. The dolls were huge in the early ‘80s, and for some people, they’re still cherished collectibles today. There have been some revisions over the years, but they're still immediately recognizable with their big-cheeked baby-faces. But the origin story of BabyLand General Hospital may not be all it's cracked up to be.
Emily explains it all, from creepy oaths to babies being plucked from plants, in the latest episode of the podcast.
For additional reading and links to sources, check out our PureWow article.
Want more nostalgia? Find out what ever happened to Loonette the Clown From ‘The Big Comfy Couch,' Steve from 'Blue's Clues,' and Dunkaroos.
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