This Is The Good Life is a podcast devoted to deciphering what it means to live as a Christian in this day and age. Our long-term goal is to bring Virtue and Character back into the conversation of what it means to be Christian. At a time where so many people are focused on getting out to do “real ministry," the hard work of laying down a solid foundation of character through the acquisition of virtues must be done before any of us are capable of doing truly “good work”. As the theologian Ed Witherington says, "You can’t do Christian work if you’re not Christian." Thus, we believe that Christian Character is a necessary part of what it means to be Christian.
It's a dog-eat-dog world, so why not be all that you can be to succeed? Should we show any restraint in our pursuance of the good life? How does our obsession with accolades, status, and ability affect those around us? Steve and Dean offer some insight in today's episode.
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