The Murdaugh Murders, Money & Mystery offers an in-depth look at the unfolding criminal saga centered around disgraced former South Carolina attorney Alex Murdaugh. The podcast is hosted by veteran journalist Anne Emerson, along with former South Carolina Attorney General Charlie Condon and producer Drew Tripp.
In addition to stealing nearly $9 million from his friends, clients and own law firm, Alex Murdaugh is charged with the ghastly murders of his wife, Maggie Murdaugh, and their youngest son, Paul Murdaugh. That's not to mention allegations of bank fraud conspiracy, drug trafficking, money laundering and tax evasion.
The Murdaugh Murders, Money & Mystery is part of the Unsolved South Carolina series of podcasts from WCIV-TV ABC News 4 in Charleston.
How much of Alex Murdaugh's history of financial crimes and deceit will be admitted into testimony for state prosecutors? It's crucial to their argument for discovery of those crimes being the driving force behind Murdaugh allegedly murdering his own wife and son. But the Defense continues to punch back on what they call illogical conclusions reached by the State, trying to show Murdaugh making the leap from theft to homicide without much evidence.
In this episode, legal analyst Charlie Condon gives terrific insight into what's going on with this trial within a trial. Plus, emotional sound from Murdaugh's longtime friend Chris Wilson, and strong testimony from the chief financial officer of Murdaugh's former law firm about his years of thefts.
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