Reader senior writer Ben Joravsky riffs on the day's stories with his celebrated humor, insight, and honesty, and interviews politicians, activists, journalists and other political know-it-alls. Presented by the Chicago Reader, the show is available by 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays at or on the Reader's YouTube channel—or wherever you podcast. Don't miss Oh, What a Week!--the Friday feature in which Ben & special guests review the week's top stories. Also, bonus interviews drop on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. Reader podcasts are recorded on Shure microphones. Learn more at
Trump says there's little he can do about the price of groceries after all. Ben riffs. Delmarie Cobb says she told you so about American voters being incapable of electing a Black woman as president. Or any woman for that matter. And that the first woman elected president will be one of the MAGA persuasion. Ben challenges Delmarie to find eight Black women who voted for Trump. Good luck, Delmarie. Delmarie weighs in on Mayor Rahm as chair of the Democratic Party. She'll fight it ever step of the way. Also a few words about the mainstreams and their Mayor Johnson narrative. Delmarie is a political strategist.
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