The Shrink Show podcast is hosted by Jaime Weatherholt, a therapist who is curious about everything mind, body, and spiritual healing. Each episode invites a dialogue with a guest who will educate, inspire, and explore topics ranging from the woowoo stuff to past lives to the mental wellness experts. Some episodes may include her husband, Curt, who is definitely not a therapist. The couple will discuss random topics of raising their children or an entertaining game of 'would you rather....' Listen with curiosity, a sense of humor, and an open-mind. Welcome to The Shrink Show!
Pronouns are hard, as Jaime has been saying her entire life. Parenting is hard as the parent holds their child’s emotions. Merge those two issues and listen to how Angee & Jaime navigate these. Angee & Jaime don’t 100% agree on these same life lessons regarding emotional regulation, swearing, teaching their children about sexual organs and terms, & apologizing/forgiveness.
Listen to how therapists who are “supposed to know how to work with emotions” work with their children’s emotions daily. Or in Jaime’s case, hear how she teaches her husband how to hold emotional space for others rather than his default reaction to “tickle away the sadness."
In the end, parenting is hard; emotions are hard; this is a life long journey we are on together if you are either a child to someone and/or parent to someone.
Angee’s Mug: (The shape of Sophia, from Golden Girls)
Jaime’s Mug: "I do not speak profanities, I enunciate them clearly like a fucking lady."
A Hurrdat Media Production. Hurrdat Media is a digital media and commercial video production company based in Omaha, NE. Find more podcasts on the Hurrdat Media Network and learn more about our other services today on