On “Reading the Middle East with Gilles Kepel,” the latest Al-Monitor podcast, renowned French scholar Gilles Kepel interviews the ground-breaking authors and thought leaders who are both shaping and explaining the complex trends in the Middle East and Islamic world. Kepel, one of Europe's leading experts on Islamism, the Middle East and North Africa, is a professor at the Institute of Political Studies, Paris (Sciences Po). His numerous books — which include "Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam," "The War for Muslim Minds: Islam and the West," "Beyond Terror and Martyrdom: The Future of the Middle East," and "The Prophet and the Pandemic" — have been translated into seventeen languages.
Maria Ressa, co-founder, president and CEO of Rappler, the top digital news site leading the fight for press freedom in the Philippines, discusses the challenges to independent journalists, especially women, in southeast Asia, the Middle East and worldwide; the impact of hi tech social media companies in stifling free media; her experiences covering Abu Sayyaf, and how terrorist organizations exploited social media platforms to promote violence; and more. Ressa, author of the forthcoming Standing up to a Dictator and other books, won the 2021 Noble Peace Prize for her “freedom of expression to expose abuse of power, use of violence and growing authoritarianism in her native country.”
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