A podcast, but outside. Featuring fascinating interviews with random strangers who happen to walk by. Hosted by Cole Hersch and Andrew Michaan.
Here's a taste of what you'll find on our show where we talk to strangers on the street. Check out an episode that interests you, no need to start at the beginning, they all stand on their own!
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In our first episode, we take the overdone medium of podcasting and throw it to the outside world. Guests include a musician named "Dr Nick", Megan the pizza slinger, and a guy pretending to be Jon Hamm! Recorded in front of Grand Central Market in Downtown Los Angeles.
Guests include a woman whose husband died of a secret crack addiction, a flight attendant sharing some gossip, and a very chill man named Dan. Recorded on Brand Blvd in Glendale, California.
Guests include a young hunk on his way to a summer in Europe, an olive oil conspiracy theorist, and a guy who wants to beat us up! Recorded on Santa Monica Blvd in West Hollywood.
Guests include an iconic young exchange student from China (YIN!), a couple of excited Trump supporters, and a van handing out free weed-themed candy. Recorded on Hollywood Blvd!
Guests include a catcalling nofapper with tons of confidence, an actor celebrating his birthday, a woman who is "not a ho", and Ally Hidalgo. Recorded on Spring Street in Downtown Los Angeles.
Guests include a young aspiring comedian and her supportive mom, a newly sober writer, Dennis Rodman's assistant, and our new best friend Kyle! Recorded on Santa Monica Blvd in Hollywood.
Our first invited guest: 8 year old meme icon Gavin Thomas. Passing strangers include a guy who works with bikes, a guy who works with a LGBT nonprofit, and the corner store clerk when Gavin leaves to get snacks. Recorded on Santa Monica Blvd in West Hollywood.
Recorded on Ocean Ave in Santa Monica.
Recorded on Brand Blvd in Glendale, California!