A Horror Movie/Comedy Podcast... with a twist!
What do you get when two best friends, and horror movie fans, convince themselves that they would definitely be the Final Girls at the end of the movie and never the ones “running up the stairs when they should be going out the front door?" You get Kim and Ket Stay Alive... Maybe (KKSAM for short).
Each week, Kim Burns and Ketryn Porter take turns spoiling the fuck out of a horror movie one of them hasn't seen. Through very scientific (not scientific), totally indisputable (very disputable) methods — and amidst ridiculous tangents about their personal lives, childhood fears and wild college days — they play a game to determine whether they would #StayAlive at the end.
Come play with us!
Ket tells Kim about Werewolf by Night starring Gael Garcia Bernal. The girls are back together and it feels so good!! We have yet another applicant to Willy’s Wonderland: Ulysses Bloodstone is throwing his… uh… head in the ring. The girls really missed each other. Most importantly, we’ll learn if Kim will live or die in Werewolf by Night.
Dir. Michael Giacchino
Writers Heather Quinn, Peter Cameron, Gerry Conway, Michael G. Ploog, Roy Thomas, Jean Thomas
Listen to season 1 of our horror trivia pod!
KKSAM Facebook Discussion Group!!
"Sammies Stay Alive... Maybe"
Get acquainted with all things KIM & KET at www.kimandketstayalive.com
Chat with the girls at kksampodcast@gmail.com
Peep the girls on Instagram: @kksampodcast
Rock with the girls on Tik Tok: @kksampodcast
Twit the girls on Twitter: @kksampodcast
Book the face of the girls on Facebook: @kksampodcast
Wear the shirts of the girls from the MERCH Store: kimandketstayalivemaybe.threadless.com
Support the girls on PATREON at: www.patreon.com/kimandketstayalivemaybe
Ok we'll see ourselves out.
Thanks for listening!
xo and #StayAlive,
Proud members of the Dread Podcast Network
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