A selection of podcasts by the Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica.
John Rafferty of Encyclopaedia Britannica discusses the challenges of protecting the world's smallest porpoise, the vaquita, from extinction. This is the first part of the Postcards from the 6th Mass Extinction audio series.
Postcards from the Sixth Mass Extinction, 1st program. John Rafferty, speaker & writer; J.E. Luebering, sr. editor; Jisun Kim, content advisor; Kurt Heintz, developer
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John Rafferty of Encyclopaedia Britannica discusses the polar bear, a mammal that is among the world's largest carnivores on land, and the threats to its survival. This is the second part of the Postcards from the 6th Mass Extinction audio series.
Postcards from the Sixth Mass Extinction, 2nd program. John Rafferty, speaker & writer; J.E. Luebering, sr. editor; Jisun Kim, content advisor; Kurt Heintz, producer
John Rafferty of Encyclopaedia Britannica discusses the Atlantic and Pacific bluefin, two species of tunas that are threatened by overfishing. This is the third part of the Postcards from the 6th Mass Extinction audio series.
Postcards from the Sixth Mass Extinction, 3rd program. John Rafferty, speaker & writer; J.E. Luebering, sr. editor; Jisun Kim, content advisor; Kurt Heintz, producer
John Rafferty of Encyclopaedia Britannica discusses two species of monarch butterflies in North America that have declined as a result of habitat loss and the effects of pollution. This is the fourth part of the Postcards from the 6th Mass Extinction audio series.
Postcards from the Sixth Mass Extinction, 4th program. John Rafferty, speaker & writer; J.E. Luebering sr. editor; Kurt Heintz producer
John Rafferty of Encyclopaedia Britannica discusses the challenges that oil palm cultivation poses to orangutans. This is the fifth part of the Postcards from the 6th Mass Extinction audio series.
Postcards from the Sixth Mass Extinction, 5th program. John Rafferty, speaker & writer; J.E. Luebering sr. editor; Kurt Heintz producer
John Rafferty of Encyclopaedia Britannica and Dr. Andrew Solow of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution discuss the concept of functional extinction. This is the sixth part of the Postcards from the 6th Mass Extinction audio series.
Postcards from the Sixth Mass Extinction, 6th program. John Rafferty, speaker & writer; J.E. Luebering sr. editor; Kurt Heintz producer
John Rafferty of Encyclopaedia Britannica and Dr. Barbara Durrant of San Diego Zoo Global discuss the precarious status of the northern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) and some of the medical techniques that could be used in its recovery. This is the seventh part of the Postcards from the 6th Mass Extinction audio series.
Postcards from the Sixth Mass Extinction, series 2, 1st program. John Rafferty, speaker & writer; J.E. Luebering sr. editor; Kurt Heintz producer.
John Rafferty of Encyclopaedia Britannica and Dr. Karen Lips of the University of Maryland discuss the chytrid fungus called Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) and how it has decimated amphibians worldwide. This is the eighth part of the Postcards from the 6th Mass Extinction audio series.
Postcards from the Sixth Mass Extinction, series 2, 2nd program. John Rafferty, speaker & writer; J.E. Luebering sr. editor; Kurt Heintz producer
Melissa Petruzzello of Encyclopaedia Britannica discusses "plant blindness" as a form of cognitive bias and why understanding plants is important for humanity. This is the first installment of the Botanize! audio series.
Melissa Petruzzello, speaker & writer; J.E. Luebering, sr. editor; Kurt Heintz, producer
Melissa Petruzzello of Encyclopaedia Britannica and Emily Booth of Temple University discuss the effects of fire on plants and how climate change may alter the impacts of fire on plant communities. This is the second installment of the Botanize! audio series.