The Media Leader Podcast
What next for Bauer and radio? interview w/ Simon Myciunka, CEO of Bauer Media Audio UK
Omar Oakes interviews Simon Myciunka, the CEO of Bauer Media Audio UK.
Speaking at The Future of Audio & Entertainment, Myciunka discussed his first year in the job, his vision for the business, and why he believes continued innovation will be the key to radio's future success in the year radio celebrates its centenary.
2.55: Myciunka's unconventional route to becoming a media CEO
8.13: Why he got the job and what he plans to do
14.33: Reaction to leadership changes at Global
16.37: His key challenges
19.46: Plans for Hits Radio, why merge local stations, and how to make that brand distinct
23.24: In a digital audio market, will talent routinely be bigger than radio brands?
28.14: Plans for developing Rayo, Bauer's putative rival to Global Player
32.26: Opinion on the BBC selling UK ads on podcast platforms
>> Watch this interview (Adwanted UK YouTube)
>> Our Rajar coverage (Q1 2024)
Coming up next week: Oakes and Nick Manning will discuss the ANA report into principal-based media and where it fits into wider issues with the way is media is traded globally today.
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