Tuck Energy Currents is a student-led podcast from the Revers Center for Energy, Sustainability and Innovation at the Tuck School of Business that explores career paths and contemporary topics across the energy industry.
Guests include leaders in the industry and recent business school graduates who discuss career pathways in energy, current business activities, trends impacting companies in the field, and leadership lessons.
For questions, please reach out to Tuck.Energy@tuck.dartmouth.edu.
Eric speaks with Thad Hill, President and CEO of Calpine Corporation, an integrated competitive power company and the largest generator of electricity from natural gas and geothermal resources in the United States. Mr. Hill has been a leader in the energy industry since 2005, working at both Texas Genco LP and NRG Energy before joining Calpine in 2010. Prior to that, Mr. Hill worked at Boston Consulting Group, where he spent much of his time focused on the North American energy industry.
Links & Additional Information:
California Air Resources Board, Achieving Carbon Neutrality in California, 2020.
Energy and Environmental Economics (E3) and Energy Futures Initiative, Net-Zero New England: Ensuring Electric Reliability in a Low-Carbon Future, 2020.
McKinsey & Co., A 2040 Vision for the U.S. Power Industry: Evaluating Two Decarbonization Scenarios, 2020.
Princeton University Report, Net-Zero America – Potential Pathways, Infrastructure, and Impacts, 2020.
James H. Williams et al., Carbon-Neutral Pathways for the United States, 2021.