Two former NFL offensive linemen (Alex Boone and Jeremiah Sirles) join former 8th grade football backup (Phil Mackey) for entertaining, behind-the-scenes discussions about the NFL -- from an offensive line + trenches perspective! Your Dumb Football Questions are always welcome on the OLine Committee. An offensive line lifestyle podcast! ABOUT ALEX BOONE: Played 10 years in the NFL, for the San Francisco 49ers, Minnesota Vikings, Arizona Cardinals and Seattle Seahawks. ABOUT JEREMIAH SIRLES: Played 6 years in the NFL, for the San Diego Chargers, Minnesota Vikings, Carolina Panthers and Buffalo Bills. ABOUT PHIL MACKEY: 20-year NFL media dweeb + current host of Purple Daily (a Minnesota Vikings podcast) and other shows on the SKOR North podcast network.
Alex Boone, Jeremiah Sirles and Phil Mackey tackle three more "dumb football questions!" How do offensive linemen lose so much weight when they're done playing? What is more difficult, moving a big space eater like Pat Williams or blocking a quick twitch rusher? What is the player-agent relationship like? (How often do you talk? What kind of information/intel do they share? Etc.)
[00:03:12] How do offensive linemen lose an F-load of weight so quickly?
[00:11:29] Blocking different types of defensive players
[00:14:31] The different types of sports agencies: Legal, sports marketing, football.
[00:16:19] Find an agent with same values.
[00:22:10] Agents need NFL connections for credibility.
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