Two former NFL offensive linemen (Alex Boone and Jeremiah Sirles) join former 8th grade football backup (Phil Mackey) for entertaining, behind-the-scenes discussions about the NFL -- from an offensive line + trenches perspective! Your Dumb Football Questions are always welcome on the OLine Committee. An offensive line lifestyle podcast! ABOUT ALEX BOONE: Played 10 years in the NFL, for the San Francisco 49ers, Minnesota Vikings, Arizona Cardinals and Seattle Seahawks. ABOUT JEREMIAH SIRLES: Played 6 years in the NFL, for the San Diego Chargers, Minnesota Vikings, Carolina Panthers and Buffalo Bills. ABOUT PHIL MACKEY: 20-year NFL media dweeb + current host of Purple Daily (a Minnesota Vikings podcast) and other shows on the SKOR North podcast network.
Two former NFL offensive linemen (Alex Boone + Jeremiah Sirles) answer your dumb football questions! What’s the worst thing you have had happen or heard of happening at the bottom of a pile during a game? If the defense is taking cheap shots on your QB, what do the O-line players say or do to the defense to stop it? And what % of playing in the NFL is fun?
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