We’re hearing a lot about supply chains right now. But how did we get here? Journalist Sonari Glinton meets the people who make and transport our stuff to find out how we’re all connected and why that matters. Now, What’s Next? explores the human stories behind the big, sometimes hidden economic forces that shape how we live, what we value and how we make choices.
We know to make sure our heirs can access our online bank accounts, but what about the rest of our digital selves? As more and more meaningful parts of our lives enter the virtual world, how do we value the assets we leave behind online? What are they worth and to whom?
In this episode of the Ideas podcast, we wonder: What’s a good way to pass on 10,000 photos from all those family vacations? Does a viral social media account have real-world value after you die? Could our endless streams of online consciousness become the stuff of meaningful memorials? These are questions for the digital age we all inhabit, whether we’re 8 or 88. And they’re questions for the usually old-school world of estate planning, which Beth Smith, of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management’s Strategy and Advisory Solutions, knows well.
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