We’re hearing a lot about supply chains right now. But how did we get here? Journalist Sonari Glinton meets the people who make and transport our stuff to find out how we’re all connected and why that matters. Now, What’s Next? explores the human stories behind the big, sometimes hidden economic forces that shape how we live, what we value and how we make choices.
This week we're focusing on what may be a blind spot in all the excitement over autonomous vehicles: the future of car insurance. How will it work if there are no actual drivers to insure? We get a glimpse of the not-too-distant future by traveling to Mcity, a leading self-driving car test site at the University of Michigan and we hear from Jon Hocking, who covers the auto insurance industry for Morgan Stanley Research, as well as Hilary Rowen, a legal insurance expert who keeps close track of emerging technologies in Silicon Valley.