Some days we crush it, some days we don’t, but we’re all ‘momming’ the best way we know how. We’re the girlfriend you come to when you have a question you can’t ask anyone else, and the best friend to laugh with over the purely hilarious moments of the mom… and dad… world. Join MOM2MOM Host Maria Sansone as she sits down with experts, authors, entrepreneurs, athletes and everyday folks about all the things women and caregivers are talking about.
Follow along on Social: @thehubtoday & @mariasansone
What is gender creative parenting? It's a lot of things according to Dr. Kyl Myers, author of "Raising Them: Our Adventure in Gender Creative Parenting"; it's not a one-size-fits-all approach. Most broadly, it's a parenting philosophy that encourages kids to grow into their gender than be assigned one at birth. Dr. Myers explains what this looks like in every day, why some people chose to adopt this parenting style, how it can help eliminate gendered oppression later in life, and more.
Check out all of the MOM2MOM episodes:
Follow along on Social: @thehubtoday & @mariasansone
Learn more about Heather on social: @drkylmyers
Listen to Dr. Kyl's TED Talk here.