Some days we crush it, some days we don’t, but we’re all ‘momming’ the best way we know how. We’re the girlfriend you come to when you have a question you can’t ask anyone else, and the best friend to laugh with over the purely hilarious moments of the mom… and dad… world. Join MOM2MOM Host Maria Sansone as she sits down with experts, authors, entrepreneurs, athletes and everyday folks about all the things women and caregivers are talking about.
Follow along on Social: @thehubtoday & @mariasansone
She's the founder of That's Inappropriate and the author of "Ask Me What's For Dinner One More Time: Inappropriate Thoughts on Motherhood." Meredith Masony always keep is real when it comes to the good, bad and ugly of parenting. She shares how a lifechanging medical diagnosis inspired her blog, what moms really want for mothers day, and talks unfiltered with Maria about all the lovely stuff no one tells you will happen to your body thanks to pregnancy/postpartum.
Check out all of the MOM2MOM episodes:
Follow along on Social: @thehubtoday & @mariasansone
Learn more about Heather on social: @thats_inappropriate