Kathleen opens with a warm welcome to her “Termites,” providing an explanation for those just tuning in as to how her Termite followers obtained their reference. Stevie Nicks still joins Kathleen at the Pub, and is holding Kathleen’s case of limited edition Busch Latte. Kathleen describes her new Walter Mercado prayer candle to listeners, as well as one of her pint glass from one of her favorite breakfast restaurants in the country: Sam’s Diner in Denver. She didn’t steal this particular glass, but outs her mother for being known to steal fried chicken from casino buffets.
Kathleen follows up on Episode 2 and her discussion about offensive mascot names, describing the new Pekin Chinks booster pin that she found on Ebay from a seller who lives in The Villages, FL. As a side note, her parents have announced that they are returning to Florida for a few months of sunshine despite COVID concerns.
NOTEWORTHY GAS STATION FOOD: Kathleen describes sampling her nieces’ life-changing white cheddar Cheetos bites when boating with the kids at Lake of the Ozarks, and is ecstatic that her favorite beer company, Anheuser Busch, has created a Busch beer for dogs called “Dog Brew.” Dog Brew includes pork butt, and lets both you and your pup enjoy a cold beer after mowing the lawn.
LIVE ENTERTAINMENT IN COVID-19: Kathleen provides an update on COVID shows and her Tour Schedule, and sites examples of other entertainment and large public gatherings such as the RNC and the impact to those crowds that were reported.
KATHLEEN’S QUARANTINE ACTIVITIES: Kathleen describes giving her dad a haircut in quarantine, and also Lewis Black’s quarantine haircut which you can see on YouTube. She also expresses how she is obsessed with watching the Weather Channel, especially during hurricane season (most recently Hurricane NANA). As a follow up to Pubcast Episode 3’s content about Lance Armstrong, Kathleen describes her interactions with Lance while touring Iraq, and how terrified Lewis was of him while on tour. She discloses that she has some issues with cycling as a sport.
MEMPHIS: Matt Shirley’s Instagram: Kathleen is a massive fan of Matt’s daily charts, and one of his latest charts shows the results of a poll asking for people to vote on the “Best Attraction in Every State,” and the best in TN is voted to be Graceland, and Kathleen confesses that she is NOT an Elvis fan. She describes her parent’s reviews of one of Elvis’s last shows in Vegas, and while her mother gave the show 5 stars, her dad had a completely different opinion. Kathleen thinks Memphis is completely underrated as a tourist destination, loves Beale Street and thinks it screams everything cool like Prince and funk. She loves the history, the civil rights museum at the Lorraine Hotel, and the bbq. Kathleen describes her trip to Memphis with her mom and her mom’s 4 sisters in the late 90’s to tour Graceland, Elvis’s airplane museum, and his car museum. Elvis and his grandmother’s graves are located in the back yard, and Kathleen reviews notable visitors who have toured Graceland.
Kathleen recommends a visit to Silky O’Sullivan’s bar on Beale Street to watch the diving goat tower while enjoying a beer or the best shrimp & grits she’s ever tasted.
EVANGELICAL WEIRDNESS: Jerry Falwell Jr update: Kathleen updates us on the fallout at Liberty University after Jerry Falwell Jr.’s scandalous yacht photo and details from his pool boy were published, discussing the $10M exit package that Liberty University paid Falwell Jr., as an exit package from the board.
MIGRATING CREATURES: Migration due to climate change, Kathleen is fascinated with the Tegu Lizard, and describes a YouTube video that she’s obsessed with watching regarding one of these creatures taunting a dog and dancing. The Tegu Lizards have migrated to South Carolina from South America, and one of Kathleen’s favorite places in the world to golf is Kiawah Island, SC. She and her friends Lewis Black and Ron White travel there often, and Kathleen is afraid of meeting one of these reptiles while looking for a lost golf ball.
Kathleen describes seeing armadillos in Missouri for the first time, an animal that she had previously only seen while touring in Texas. She reviews their recent northerly migration patterns, and describes her father’s attempts to kill them on their family farm.
WHAT TO WATCH THIS WEEK: Kathleen discloses her mild obsession with cults and the sociology behind each individual cult, and recommends watching “Wild Wild Country” on Netflix. The docuseries details the activities of the Rajneeshpuram cult, based in India but migrating to Oregon where the group attempted to overtake the small town of Antelope with poison, fire, and manipulation in order to obtain land and voting rights. Kathleen offers her commentary on the activities of both this particular cult and the Oregon townspeople who are fighting to maintain their land, and highly recommends the documentary to anyone wanting a little drama in their binge watching.
For some additional drama and to prepare for discussion in Episode 6 of “Madigan’s Pubcast,” Kathleen tells listeners to watch “Don’t Fuck With Cats” on Netflix.
MYSTERY OF THE WEEK: Kathleen discusses the Lost Colony of Roanoke on Roanoke Island.
CLOSING REMARKS: Kathleen tells listeners that if they need a little humor in their COVID quarantine, listen to her comedian friends Jackie Kashian or John Heffron, or watch her latest special “Bothering Jesus” on Netflix or listen on Apple Music.