Introducing a show about classic to contemporary "Black" movies and what makes them Black...or not.
Your host, Jonathan McMillan and guests watch/rewatch movies and discuss the who, what, where, and why they are out aren't considered to be "Black" movies. Are they good movies or hood movies, or something in between?
Who belongs on the Black actor/director Mt. Rushmore? Which actor(s) automatically make a movie "Black" if they're in it? Same for directors?
Are there "Black" movies that aren't considered Black? What movie would you like to see get the "Black treatment"?
My friend and mentor Kenneth Crowley if the Crowley Foundation is my guest host. We examine The Pursuit of Happyness and the themes and messages and lessons it presents. We discuss the benefits and challenges of father/son working relationships and my 8 year old son Julian a.ka. "The Buddha" makes a cameo to give his take on the film
Check out the Crowley Foundation here:
Check out their podcast here:
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