A suicide prevention podcast. TEDx speaker, Leo Flowers has a Masters in Counseling/Psychology and is a stand-up comedian. Join him while he interviews other mental health experts, comedians and best-selling book authors as we help you rediscover your purpose, reduce your pain and regain your sense of belonging.
Leo Flowers and Marla Dietz discuss: strategies when feeling suicidal; Why don't suicide contracts don't work; Why we should ask people if they're feeling suicidal; the importance of having a routine; three phases of therapy and why most people only go through the first one; Cuddle Sanctuaries.
Suicide Prevention Center (Los Angeles)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
800-273-TALK [800-273-8255]
1-800-SUICIDE [800-784-2433]
Teen Line (Los Angeles)
The Trevor Project (LGBTQ Youth Hotline)
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-SAFE [800-799-7233]
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Text "Connect" to 741741 in the USA
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